06 August 2009


Find Farmers Markets Now is a blog service created under the umbrella of Colorado Thompson Industries, Inc. Hereafter known as FFMN. All information contained in the site is copyrighted and cannot be used, reprinted, or republished without the written consent of the company.

The accuracy of the information is NOT guaranteed and provided as information only. Always contact the actual Farmers Markets to ensure the accuracy of dates and times.

Users of the site agree with this Terms of Use policy as well as the Privacy Policy or they must discontinue use immediately.

FFMN allows users both registered and unregistered to post comments and ratings throughout the site. These are moderated and published only with the approval of the site moderator. Official complaints with various markets or vendors at markets should be taken to the managers of markets directly. Neither FFMN nor its parent company can be held responsible for the accuracy of reviews, comments, and / or ratings as submitted to this site by users. Neither can FFMN nor its parent be responsible for the quality of the comments published or the validity or lack there of for any comments or problems arising from comments or information about the markets listed herein. FFMN cannot guarantee the quality of markets listed or their products. The site serves to inform users of locations and general information only.